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Convegno - Ingresso libero

ANSYS Simulation solution for Metal Additive Manufacturing Process - FOCUS DESIGN

Organizzato da: Parametric Design Srl

10:30 - 11:00 "ANSYS Simulation solution for Metal Additive Manufacturing Process"
Relatori: Franco Mele, Parametric Design - Abel Ramos, ANSYS
Understanding how a design would actually print is crucial to avoiding huge costs of failed builds. Metal parts are built-up on top of “build plates.”  Support structures are required to hold the part rigidly in place during the build.  Intense residual stress and distortion occur due to rapid heating and cooling of the metal with a laser.  With insufficient supports, part accuracy is poor and/or the part will distort and hit the powder spreader, causing the build to fail.  If too many supports are added, the part will sometimes crack due to excessive residual stress.  When this part is removed without heat treatment, it bows. To fix the issue using trial and error is very expensive. Using ANSYS AM Simulation tools can allow you to predict the part distortion at any point during the building process. In addition, ANSYS offers additional post-processing tools to help you improve your support strategy and compensate the initial geometry using simulation results.
11:00 - 11:30 "PTC Creo Additive Manufacturing Extension"
Speech tenuto da: Massimo Arcolin, Senior Technical Application Specialist di Parametric Design
Creo Additive Manufacturing Extension, un’estensione di Creo Parametric, mette fine ai lunghi processi di lavorazione e apre la strada a innumerevoli opportunità. È possibile progettare, ottimizzare, convalidare e verificare tramite stampa i modelli in un unico ambiente di progettazione. Ogni dettaglio visualizzato viene stampato in modo fedele e accurato. Grazie a Creo, si è liberi di focalizzare l’attenzione sulla creazione, sull’ottimizzazione e sulla convalida di geometrie altamente complesse che possono essere realizzate solo con la produzione additiva.