Drone area

In collaboration with:


Market innovations, professional applications, training

2018’s Drone area edition is characterized by the partnership with the magazine DRONEZINE, the benchmark for experts in this specific sector.

The partnership guarantees the participation of communities and experts interested to buy devices/ use some APR service.
Thank to the collaboration with DRONEZINE , there will be a advantageous program of conferences and workshop about more strategic themes for this sector improvement.

Companies and experts could touch with their own hands solutions, evaluate technologies and at least understand business prospects or potentiality linked with the use of Drone devices.

Drone area will develop a commercial-educational role to give to the exhibitor the possibility to show his own distinctive and powerful skills, describe case history, explain the combination technology/field of application and indicate the emerging trends.

The visitor will carry by the exhibitor throught the understanding and the knowledge of technologies. Showing the shock into the application processes, the experts will underline the advantages : efficiency and efficacy.


In the Area will be possible to have workshops/ technical speeches/ education speeches to illustrate to visitors the main case-history created by every company.


The area is the perfect moment to start some new commercial negotiation, to open new distribution channels, to know new professionists and create networking.


Architects | Surveyors | Topographerfs | Building Professionists | Farmers | Agronomists | Video surveillance experts | Photographers | Videomakers | Researcers | Developers


  • OLTRE L’INVISIBILE: termografia e infrarosso a bordo dei droni
  • DALLA NUVOLA (DI PIXEL) AL MATTONE: fotogrammetria e acquisizioni 3d in edilizia, e architettura e real estate
  • ROBOCOP: droni per la sicurezza e la sorveglianza in ambito civile
  • TERRAMARE: non solo in aria, droni marini e rover
  • ELICHE E FORCONI: i droni in agricoltura
  • DRONE LEGGERO, LEGGE LEGGERA: droni “trecentini”, come lavorare legalmente in citta’ con gli ultraleggeri
  • UNA MANO DAL CIELO: primo soccorso e protezione civile, case history di successo
  • I PILOTI SI RACCONTANO: normativa e legge nel lavoro quotidiano

Opportunities for companies

Present your products advantages within the AREA “DRONE”, you will have the opportunity to get new business relationships; give visitors the opportunity to “touch” your products and innovative services; develop alternative supply chains and sales channels; fix the corporate image.